Frequently asked questions for Limousines Tampa

If you have questions about limousines, limo services, our chauffeurs, or anything else... This is the place to be!

How long in advance should I reserve my limousine?

We recommend at least a few weeks, especially if the date that you need the limo, car or party bus is on the weekend. You can try with us sooner to the date-of but this is a precaution. We know that most of our clients have a particular vehicle in mind when they wish to attempt to reserve service so, we wish to make sure that you get that vehicle.

How much do I need to put down in order to reserve a limo or other vehicle?

We only require a $200 deposit down, in order to secure the vehicle of your choice; done by credit or debit, over the phone.

Are alcoholic beverages allowed on every vehicle in the fleet?

Yes. Being that we are fully licensed in the proper fashion, you are allowed to have your adult beverages on any vehicle in our fleet. Provided everyone in your group is 21 years of age, you are good to go!

How large of an area do you service?

At Limousines Tampa, we service more than just the city of Tampa and the immediately surrounding areas. Have a look at Limousines Tampa Service Area to see just some of the locales that we regularly service. Call us to see if we can take on your trip today!